Site is finally starting to look good!

After a long all-nighter working hard going back and fourth on decisions and cramping my fingers like an old man with arthritis trying to get past issues I am finally willing to say I’m actually excited for how nice the site is starting to look for still being only a rough draft of a website in my opinion though starting to become functional with lots of little things like memberships and member perks already and Our First supporter names on the supporter wall!
I Hope you all are enjoying getting to watch our Site Grow from day one as just a White Page!

Some of the Updates:

  1. Probably the Biggest update we got is Sign Up And Sign in areas and buttons put in place with basic free memberships available to all that join our site to join in on comment conversations! Just keep in mind everything is in beta.
  2. Start of Privacy Policy in place Its Basic but its a start.
  3. Made some Contact forms for the Start of our Contacts Page Which Has a List of all the ways You can get in contact with Me and Mouse House Team for various reasons!
  4. Started a Refunds and Return Policy.
  5. Massively updated the look of the website while adding other new pages and linking everything together.
  6. Fixed a Issue or 2…Found and issue or 3…
  7. Shop coming soon, having some slowdowns on that.
  8. Starting to get the blog section set up as I write this as well!

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