Quote 1

“I’m normally doing pretty good, that is until you ask me if I’m doing good and then I start to think about all the crap going on and then I got to tell ya not so good!” -Moto Mouse-

Site is finally starting to look good!

After a long all-nighter working hard going back and fourth on decisions and cramping my fingers like an old man with arthritis trying to get past issues I am finally willing to say I’m actually excited for how nice the site is starting to look for still being only a rough draft of a website […]

Finally Able To Share My Website

It’s very basic and a published rough draft because I’m having a handful of massive slowdowns but I Finally Got the Website usable for navigating people to a handful of my links and openly sharing the link to my website for the first time! Jumping Heads first into learning a lot of the skills I’m […]